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          Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2012
Starbard Building

Members Present:        Lisa Post, Erin O’Neil Bradbury, Melissa Staiti, Robin Grady    
        Members Absent:         None    
                       Others Present:         Denise Morano, Recreation Director
       Dee Anne Grebinar, Recording Secretary
Lisa called the Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

MINUTES:    A motion was made by Erin and seconded by Melissa to accept
                        the minutes of the November 8, 2011 meeting.
       The minutes of the November 8, 2011 were approved unanimously.

Denise welcomed new member Robin Grady to the committee. Denise met Robin previously when Robin had come into the office to talk about environmental playgrounds and Denise had her tell us a little bit about them. Robin explained that the playgrounds are built into the natural landscape that is available and they seem to encourage creative play. It was discussed that these playgrounds seem like a good idea, especially for pocket parks in new neighborhoods that are being built.  The recreation department does not plan on pursuing one of these playgrounds at this time. Denise commented that the terms of Richard Anderson and Carmelo Bazzano had expired and due to other commitments they had both chosen not to be re-appointed to the Recreation Committee.
Before/After School Programs
Denise gave a re-cap of the Before and After School programs for our newest members.  She explained that we are licensed by the state and abide by the rules and regulations of the Department of Early Education and Care. We are licensed for 52 children at each program (morning and afternoon) at each school. The ratio of staff to children must be 1:13, but Denise likes to have more staff than actually required. The All Day Summer program has a maximum of 65 slots.
Denise went over the numbers for the Before & After School Programs. We currently have 237 children enrolled on a daily basis.
    Davis Hill – 52 AM (maximum capacity) and 38 PM  
     Mayo -  35 AM and 47 PM
    Dawson – 31 AM and 34 PM
An additional 3 children will be joining the program next week. 

Adult Programs
 Denise went over the numbers for the Adult Programs. Hatha Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings has 29 participants. Tuesday Zumba has 15 participants, Zumba with Sculpting on Thursdays has 18 enrolled, 3CPYo on Thursdays 23 enrolled, Yoga for Every “Body” on Thursdays has 14 participants,  and Flip it for Fat Loss on Tuesdays has 11 participants.  The Healthy Steps and Kettlebell classes were cancelled because of low enrollment. Lisa asked about the Women’s volleyball and Men’s basketball and Denise said the programs are still very popular.  The fee for both of these programs was raised this year ~ the first increase in approximately 15 years ~ the rate is now $30.00 for 10 weeks or $4.00 a night for drop-in. Robin asked where the classes are held and Denise responded mostly at the schools, Mountview, Mayo and Wachusett.  Denise commented that the numbers remain strong even though there are new fitness centers popping up all over. Lisa commented that our prices seem good and Denise said she does try to keep the price down because we want people to be able to continue with our programs.

Ski/Snowboard Lessons
Ski/snowboarding lessons at Ward Hill were canceled because of lack of enrollment.  The price of the program and the weather (lack of snow) were probably the main reasons for this.

Santa Program
 Many thanks were extended to the Committee members and their families for their assistance with Santa’s arrival. The weather was perfect, so the event was very well attended. Clean up by the committee was well done. Thank you cards were mailed to the Church and Santa and a letter to the editor appeared in the Landmark. We collected $82.80 in donations from the public.

Field assignments for the Holden Youth Sports spring teams have been sent to the league directors. We hope to be able to release the fields in early April.  
Denise has applied for “seasonal status” for the summer program employees. Lisa asked what that is for and Denise explained that any money earned by the summer staff can not be counted towards unemployment money.
Denise sent a letter to the principal of Dawson School requesting the use of the building during the summer for our All Day Program.  We need to apply for the permit each year, which gets approved and signed by the school superintendent. As things stand now, the programs would begin on Monday, June 18.         
Denise received only 1 estimate for the painting of the exterior of the pool buildings, so that project has been put off until the spring.  Hopefully, more estimates will be received at that time.  Denise definitely wants the work done while the pool is covered, for safety reasons and so that paint chips don’t get in the pool.

Denise commented that the pool could open as early as June 2nd. Erin asked about the time frame for hiring summer staff. Denise said we usually contact the former staff during February to see who is returning and a lot of applications start coming in at that time. She normally interviews and hires new staff during spring vacation.
Erin asked about the dog park. Denise said both the dog park and skateboard park are still on the table. She gave some background information on the dog park to the new members.  She said the committee is still pursuing the land share with WTAG, but we have heard nothing from the new owner. People think the area by the Trout Brook parking is too small. It cannot be put inside the gate at Trout Brook because that is protected land.  The idea was to have a 6’high fence with a double gate for protection. Lisa asked if the town would be liable if someone got bitten by a dog in the dog park area.
Erin asked if Eagle Lake will still be passive and not staffed this year.  Denise commented that she will not be putting staff there this year.
The Skateboard Park Committee meeting was canceled for this evening. It’s been going on for 3 years now and all we have are the designs. The balance of the money appropriated by the Recreation Department for this project (after paying for the plans) is Recreation money earmarked for the Skateboard Park.

                The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.  

        The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on February 7, 2012 @ 7:00 p.m.
        at the Holden Recreation Department office ~ 175 Highland Street ~ Holden